Finance Babies

Financial Literacy so easy… Babies could understand it

  • Making Life Simple with Finance Babies

    Making Life Simple with Finance Babies

    The world of finance is a hard pill to swallow. You either dive deep into the YouTube gurus hoping to make a quick buck off your naivety or read 500-page books made by some rich white guy with an MBA. To navigate that all by yourself is a losing game. Finance Babies is for people…

This is how it all started…

Financial Literacy is exhausting. You scour every Finfluencer on Youtube for the “Best credit cards to buy in 2024” or try to wrap your head around what “dollar-cost averaging” is. Everyone wants to make money. Everyone wants to be financially stable. To retire early. However, in a business world dominated by those that know the jargon and understand the terms, it’s increasingly difficult for us regular folk. The everyday person to sit down and fully grasp what the hell finance is.

As a high school student myself, I’ve seen my fair share of online gurus selling you a quick rich course and dropshippers showing massive numbers on their dashboards and luxury cars they “own”. It sucks.

Finance Babies wants to dumb down the corperate nonsense and give you real knowledge. Knowledge you can grasp and fully understand. No bullshit graphs. No fluff. Just pure knowledge that is easy and comprehensible. Financial Literacy so damn simple that your newborn could understand it.

Akira Gunawan

Author of Finance Babies